Sunday, June 11, 2017

Second to last update!

Only two more uploads (including this one) left for me to do!  So you guys won´t have to read many more paragraphs of randomness.

This week has been pretty casual, just been going to school and walking around, because I am now able to walk around knowing where I am, which was a lot better than the first month when I got on the wrong bus and was bussing around for an hour.   But school was so boring, because now it is around the final exams are coming up, so I have had hardly any classes.  But, because the teachers STILL think I don´t know any Spanish, so they never tell me when we don´t actually have class, so I am stuck hanging around near school for around 2 hours, which is not fun because there is nothing around the school!  But it´s ok, I have a new person talking to me now!  He moved here from South America, and he saw me sitting down before school and just started talking to me.  So now I have someone to talk to every morning!

And I got to see some horses the other day.  This doesn´t actually sound that exciting but I got to feed them and they nearly ate my hands.  On another note, my Spanish has gotten so much better.  I can speak to randoms in the street and it feels really natural, and everyone talks quite fast, but now it is normal, like talking to everyone in English at home. Quite a few people have commented on how good my Spanish is now, because they talk to me normally and are surprised when I can respond at a normal pace, because before it would take me a while to respond, but now it doesn´t!  Of course I am not fluent, because there are words I still don´t know, but I can understand 90% of what everyone is saying.  And sometimes it is really weird because someone will talk to me in Spanish, and I understand what they are talking about and what they mean and everything like that, but I can´t translate it into English.  I don´t really understand why but that is what is happening!

Yesterday (Saturday), we spent all day  at Mario´s football tournament, and he made it into the finals!  Their team didn´t win sadly, but it was pretty fun to get into it.  Because we all got so into it, shouting and screaming when they got close to the goals and everything like that!  Afterwards, we went to the bowling alley, and it was really cool!  I came 3rd out of 5 people, so at least I didn´t get last!  We finished around 12:30am, so Maria, Irlanda and I went on a really small walk so I could see how the night life is here, but there weren't many people because it was too EARLY! People usually start coming out around 1 or 2, I couldn`t believe it!  I was about to drop dead and people were getting ready to go out!

And other than that not much else has happened, my family and I are trying to find time to do things cause it is so hard with all the exams going on and everything like that!  So now for the photos, I only have a few this time!
These were my horse friends that liked to try and eat my hands.

I don't actually know why I have these, but I saw them in a store and I thought you guys would enjoy them.

These are from the football match

This is at the bowling alley.

Because it was so late they turned off the lights and it was all glow in the dark! 
These were the girls I was with at the bowling alley. 

I haven't put many photos of my host sister up so the person on the left is Irlanda, my host sister :)

And that is all, so one more update after this and then I am off!  So little time, and I am definitely not looking forward to having to speak English, cause I am so used to speaking in Spanish now! 

Hope everyone in NZ is having a good time back at home!  You will be seeing me pretty soon...

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